Pre-order marbles for events

Regular price SFr. 13.00

Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Order your balls for events here. Please note that balls purchased on site during events are increased. The balls ordered will be given to the players at the next event.

Caliber Type of balls Quantity Price
0.68 depending on arrival 500x CHF 13
0.50 depending on arrival 100x CHF 7
0.43 depending on arrival 100X CHF 6

Powder balls
Caliber Type of balls Quantity Price
0.68 USP Podwerball / T4E CKB68 chalk 50x CHF 29
0.50 T4E CB50 chalk 100x CHF 19
0.43 T4E CB43 chalk 100x CHF 17

First Strike Balls
Caliber Type of balls Quantity Price
0.68 First Strike original 150x CHF 75
0.50 First Strike original 50x CHF 30

Gum balls
Caliber Type of balls Quantity Price
0.68 Rubber 3.10 gr
50x CHF 25
0.50 Rubber 1.76 gr
100x CHF 18
0.43 Rubber 0.76 gr
100x CHF 14